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Vintage beauty

Every time I go into my studio to paint I have to change my clothes but somehow when changing back into my regular clothes I always manage to get paint on myself. I thought about an apron or a big shirt but I decided that that just wouldn’t be good enough. When I was a little girl my mom had made me red coveralls with a race car patch on them. I was absolutely in love with them and I would wear them when helping my dad in his garage. So I started thinking that coveralls might just be the solution.

I found the perfect coveralls on etsy – vintage from France and the measurements were perfect! When I got home on Friday I had a package waiting for me. Yeah I got my coveralls and I can’t wait to paint in them. That is once it’s maybe a bit cooler in my studio. They are almost too nice to paint in.

Vintage, so stylish and eco-friendly!


Now this is stylish protective clothing
ok I won't be wearing my glasses in my studio

1 thought on “Vintage beauty

  1. I don’t believe you paint from these photos. I think you just model coveralls. 🙂 Let’s see some paint on these babies. lol.

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